Friday, April 20, 2007

Today my good friend Lisa sent me some pictures of her family and I asked her if I could post them. Lisa has two kidos the oldest is Maya and now they have a new baby boy Ian. I just cant help myself these kids are just delicious and I wanted to share them with you. As you all know I am a sucker for a cute baby but there is also something so special about when a child becomes the big sister or big brother and I know that Lisa is just swelling with joy watching her kids and the love they share. Anyway I hope these pictures make you as happy as they made me. So enjoy!

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Big Boy

I just had to share these pictures of Logan. He is getting so big. Cindy Early say that he looks just like his uncle Charlie. I just can't believe that he is almost 7. I remember when my sisters son, Nick turned 7 and he seemed so much older than Logan seems now. Oh well what is a mom to do. I guess these kids are just determined to grow up on me.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Walking Girl

Here are some pictures of the walking girl.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Lillian is Walking

At 11 months to the day our littlest angel learned to walk. We all thought she would walk sooner but I personaly an glad she didnt walk too soon. It is hard for me to think that she is almost one already. I so wanted her to stay little longer but she is the most independent baby I have ever seen. She is so prod of herself when she walks, she gets this big grin on her face as if to say "look what I can do". She still craws more than she walks and she is kinda shy with her walking. Steven got a video of her walking on his phone and I am going to see if I can get it posted but as you know I am not great with tech stuff. I just wanted to share with y'all our great news. I hope to hear about all your news.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Christmas photos

This was Lillian's first Christmas. I am sorry to say that these are the newest pictures that I have. Unfortuatly my camera broke. However I hope you all enjoy the pictures and feel free to post your own.